Saturday, August 7, 2010

Baby News!

The stork has blessed us with two arrivals recently.  First, a fourth of July baby, a black colt out of DB Dharma (Desert Dhelall X Sindidans Amiraa) and Aswad Khayal (Aswad Sihr X Bint Rivanna).  Mom and baby are doing wonderfully, but they aren't helping out this photographer by being close by when I happen to come by with my camera, lol.  Until I can get some close ups, we'll have to be content with these teeny tiny views - mom was drinking out of a pond in her pasture and baby was splashing in the water.  It was very cute - its times like those I wish I had a monster zoom on my camera.

And more recently (3 days ago in fact) GR Desert Farasha (Desert Jalam X DB Fabayah, tail female line to Maahra) brought a bouncing filly into this world who is just all legs.  A pretty chessie with cute little pink nose.  This filly is by DB Ibn Najem Huda (DB Najem Huda X DB Jamala - tail femail strain is Dahmah) and is gorgeous just like both her parents.  Welcome to this world little girl!  And first time mom, Farasha, is doing an amazing job, standing super still when baby girl is trying to get the hang of playing "now where did those udders go again?".

Left - GR Desert Farasha filly, 3 days old.

Left - checking in with mom to make sure the scary lady with the camera isn't something to worry about :).

left - mom and baby - I'm amazed that a baby so TALL was just inside that little belly a couple days ago!

And handsome dad on the left here - DB Ibn Najem Huda.

Competition News! Part 3 - More Endurance!

Paula Kaigh, Sheri Devouassoux and Julia Binder braved the oppressive heat and humidity in July to take on the challenge of Endure for the Cure endurance ride. 

This was DB Bint Dahmah's first ride ever, and guided by experienced rider Sheri, they had a wonderful ride (Sheri and B Dahmah pictured left, photo by Doug Palme Photography).  The pair finished the 25 mile LD in 4 hr,  8 min in 3rd place, just 1 min behind the first place finisher.  Great job Sheri!

Paula and DB Dhaman tackled the 50 mile ride and finished in 5 hr 56 minutes.  An outstanding time that awarded her a 4th place finish, but just seconds behind the first 3 riders!

Paula also rode her other gelding, Ibn Desert Dhellal in the 25 LD on Saturday and they finished 1st place (in a field of 20) with a Best Condition award!

Unfortunately, the heat was too much of a challenge for Julia's mount, DB Khrushah, and she was pulled at the first vet check.  But we're confident that with a few more training rides she will be amazing at her next ride.  Julia was a great crew for Paula and Sheri which is certain to have helped them in the successes that day.

(picture left, DB Bint Dahmah and Sheri, photo by Doug Palme photography)