Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Big Freeze

Not much riding going on today. We got hit by the big freeze that covered the midwest. Fortunately we didn't have the snow that covered some of the states up north.

But two days of single digit weather and below, makes a 40 degree today feel like a carribean breeze :). The ground was rock hard and too hard to ride on, so hopefully in a day or two it will thaw into the winter mud we've come to love, lol.

The horses sure enjoyed the sunshine - at top is a picture of a group of young desertbred mares, butts to the wind, sunbathing in our January heat wave.
But spring isn't too far away - and soon we'll be back on our trails spooking the deer out of their hiding places. From last fall, at top is one who paused long enough for me to take her photo, before scampering off.

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